Saturday, April 18, 2015

Mila Rose - Two Months

Mila Rose, you are TWO months old!

You are such a sweet little baby!  You are awake more and more these days and we can really see the lights turning on in that big little head of yours.  You started holding mom and dad's fingers and sometimes even squeeze them.  It melts our hearts!

Sleep has been great!  You are sleeping 6-8 hours at night, and sometimes even longer!!!  When you wake up I lay you on the bed to change you, but most of the time you fall right back to sleep.  You prefer sleeping in mom and dad's bed than your bassinet.  I can't really blame you, our bed is pretty much a fluffy cloud.  Mama doesn't get any sleep when you pull this stunt so I only allow it when you wake up in the morning from a really long sleep.  You definitely prefer to sleep on your side, which of course is also not safe.  You have even figured out how to roll to your side when you are on our bed.  I only allow this when you are supervised.  You also like to nap on your tummy sometimes.  Why do you like to sleep in unsafe places and positions?!?!

You smiled for the first time on April Fool's Day for both mommy and daddy:)  You may have cracked a few smiles before then, but you smiled BIG smiles on that day.  You started cooing and talking.  We love to have little conversations with you.

You weigh 12lbs 3oz and are 22 1/4" long.  Your weight and head are 75-90th percentile and your height is 50th.  Your cheeks are getting chubby and we love to kiss them.  Your 2 month checkup (at 9 weeks) was perfect!  You had your first round of shots.  It was heartbreaking to watch you cry, but you were a trooper.  You really only cried for a few seconds.  You were cranky for the rest of the day, but you didn't have any bad reactions.  Halleluiah!

You graduated to size 1 diapers.  You are wearing mostly 0-3 and 3 months clothes.  There are still a few newborn gowns and pants that fit, but probably not for long.  You don't really like when we change your clothes, but even that is getting better.  Diaper changes are getting better.  You really don't cry anymore, but you still like to potty sometimes the second your diaper comes off.  One night, in the middle of the night, you projectile peed across the bed right on mommy's side.  It was actually quite impressive for a baby girl.  I won't go into detail about poop and toots, but let me just say that you are an impressive tooter. 

You love bath time!  You are the easiest baby to wash.  You just chill in the tub while we wash your hair and body.  You are learning to kick and splash and are starting to create big puddles in the kitchen during your baths.  You still HATE getting out of the tub.  We snuggle with you right when you get out but it doesn't seem to help.  You scream while we put your diaper and jammies on and usually won't stop until we give you food.

We celebrated your first Easter!  You had not had your shots yet so we decided not to risk the crowds at church and watched service online.  You had a lot of family in town for Easter.  Both Grandmas visited from Minnesota, as well as Auntie Leah, Uncle Adam, and Aunt Jackie.  The Easter Bunny brought you an awesome basket with some books, a new swaddle, a lamb paci, and a duck swimsuit.  We had a relaxing Easter morning at home and then went to Great-Uncle Greg and Great-Aunt Trilby's house for dinner.

Mom and Dad celebrated their 3 year anniversary and we thought it was fitting that we bring you along to dinner as our third wheel.  You were a little angel the entire time!  You ate between courses and sat in your car seat while mom and dad ate.  You were a pretty cute date, but I think we will go out alone next year.  

The weather has been beautiful and we have been taking advantage of it by going on walks almost everyday, sometimes 2-3 times a day.  Sometimes we walk with your buddy Max and his mom Elizabeth.  You usually sleep the entire walk.  We have also been enjoying the beautiful weather by going to daddy's softball games.  You must be a good luck charm because they haven't lost with you as their cheerleader yet!

Happy 2 months sweet baby girl!!!

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